Multi-gigabit Modem for E-band backhaul systems
The IPrium-Multi-gigabit Modem IP Core is a complete BPSK/QPSK modem with integrated Reed-Solomon Forward Error Correction (FEC) and is optimized for high throughput E-band microwave backhaul systems.
Key Features
- Fully synchronous design, using single clock
- Fully synthesizable drop-in module for FPGAs
- Optimized for high performance and low resources
- Low implementation loss
- Fully verified and real-time tested on a FPGA based development platform
- Considerations for easy ASIC integration
- Validated on IPrium Evaluation Boards
- VQM/NGC/EDIF netlists for Altera Quartus II, Xilinx ISE, Lattice Diamond or Microsemi (Actel) Libero SoC
- IP Core testbench scripts
- Design examples for Altera, Xilinx, Lattice, and Microsemi (Actel) evaluation boards
- Free 1 year warranty and support period
Technical Specifications
Silicon proven
Related IPs
- Adaptive Modem from 4-QAM to 1024-QAM "E-band"
- CXL - Enables robust testing of CXL-based systems for performance and reliability
- FlexRay - High-speed, reliable communication for safety-critical systems
- NVMe Gen5 Controller - Enhances data transfer speeds and reduces latency for storage systems
- Memory Controller for embeded systems supporting SDRAM and NandFlash, with bootstrap loader
- OFDM Modem