Mobile Phase Recovering Equalizer


The Mobile Phase Recovering Equalizer (MPRE) FPGA core combines Channel Equalization, Phase Recovery, and Symbol Slicing in a single module. The MPRE is ideal for medium-to-high data rate applications where range, power efficiency, and reliability in mobile channels are desired. Advanced, patent pending, signal processing in the MPRE provides robust and reliable QPSK demodulation in high Doppler and mobile multipath environments. Mobile multipath radio environments that are too harsh for broadband single-carrier QPSK reception can be used reliably with the MPRE.

The MPRE fits easily into the signal flow of most single-carrier demodulators with a minimal amount of configuration and supporting input signals.

Key Features

  • 17-tap complex-arithmetic LMS Channel Equalizer with adaptation bandwidth and leakage rate control as well as independent coefficient hold and reset controls
  • VV4 Quasi-Coherent Demodulator for signal phase recovery and differential detection
  • Integrated Symbol Slicer provides demodulated soft-decision outputs
  • AGC output controls in proportional and up/dn format for constant-modulus and phase-locked processing
  • Phase-locked constellation output
  • Equalized signal output for FLL or other processing
  • Clock rates up to 200 MHz supported
  • Symbol rates up to 1/5 of clock rate


  • Survives mobile multipath fading with high-rate single-carrier modulation
  • Reduced PAPR compared to OFDM
  • Increased range
  • High performance in high-Doppler environments
  • Ideal for surveillance, mobile video, UAV, newsgathering, and many other applications

Block Diagram

Mobile Phase Recovering Equalizer Block Diagram


  • Product License
  • EDIF core
  • Verilog Test Bench
  • Supporting C or Matlab/Octave code for test vector generation and analysis
  • Product Documentation

Technical Specifications

Shipping, Field-proven
Semiconductor IP