The IP-AL16C5x core is the VHDL model of the Microchip Technology™ PIC16C5x 8-bit micro controller. The PIC16C5x is a family of 8-bit, ROM based micro controllers with a RISC architecture inside.
Microchip Technology™ PIC16C5x 8-bit micro controller
Key Features
- Functionally compatible with the PIC16C5x family
- 33 available single-word instructions
- 12-bit wide instructions (words)
- Up to 2K words internal program memory (ROM)
- Up to 72 Bytes internal data memory (RAM - General Purpose Registers)
- 8-bit wide data
- Three 8-bit I/O ports
- Seven or eight special function registers
- Two-level deep stack
- Direct, indirect and relative addressing modes for data and instructions
- 8-bit real time clock/counter (TMR0) with 8-bit programmable prescaler
- Watchdog Timer (WDT) with the external oscillator