RFLN03C is a three stage low noise amplifier with Lange Coupler at input & output side for perfect input and output matching to 50 ohms. It provides high gain over wide bandwidth, low Noise Figure, high isolation, stability. The LNA is designed to operate from 20 – 40 GHz using 0.1um GaAs pHEMT process. The LNA offers less than 4 dB noise figure, 18.8 dB of small signal gain, OP1dB of 14.5 dBm with low noise figure along with the flexibility of setting current and gain makes this LNA an ideal front end amplifier in 5G, Terrestrial communication system and Radar Application. Results are shown in datasheet with all parasitics & coupling effects at desired frequency.
Low noise amplifier with lange couplers for 20-40 GHz frequencies for 5G , satcom and other applications
Key Features
- RF Frequency: 20-40 GHz
- Gain of 18.8 dB.
- Output P1dB of 14.5 dBm.
- Noise Figure @ 20 GHz : 3.5 dB
- Noise Figure @ 24 GHz : 3 dB
- Noise Figure @ 30 GHz : 3.17 dB
- Noise Figure @ 35 GHz : 3.19 dB
- Noise Figure @ 40 GHz : 3.8 dB
- OIP3 is 22.3 dBm.
- Output Saturated Power: 17 dBm.
- Bias: VDD1, VDD2= 3 V, VGG1, VGG2=-0.6 V, VGG3, VGG4=-0.4 V ID= 182mA
- 0.1um GaAs pHEMT Technology
- Die size: 2.85 mm x 2.62 mm
- This IP is similar in performance with MACOM's XL1000-BD-000V
- Wideband gain
- Low noise figure over the band
- Lange coupler provides good 50? Matched RF Input and Output over wideband
- Wideband stability
- Low cost
- Low current
- Porting: IP can be ported to 65nm Si / CMOS node
Block Diagram

- 5G LNA and RF transceiver
- Satellite Communication
- Point to point communication system
- Backhaul Application
- IoT
- Schematic and Netlist
- Abstract Model (.lib file)
- Layout View (Optional)
- Behavioral model (Circuit & EM simulation)
- Extracted View (Optional)
- DRC, LVS, Antenna report
- Test bench with saved configuration (Optional)
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Win Semiconductor, 100 nm GaAs pHEMT process
IC design and layout is complete, to be fabricated soon
Related IPs
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- 3 to 10GHz Low Noise Amplifier for UWB Application
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- 1.16 to 1.26 and 1.56 to 1.61 GHz low noise amplifier with 27.5dB gain
- Single stage low noise amplifier from 2-6 GHz with flat gain, low Noise Figure, high isolation, stability.