Intermediate-frequency amplifier consists of 3-stages amplifier with tunable gain, AGC system, linear output buffer for differential analog output, analog-digital converter for 2-bits digital output. Each stage of the amplifier has differential input and output. Gain is sequentially reduced from the last stage to the first stage. Also gain can be set manually.
Frequency range is 5...20 MHz.
Intermediate frequency amplifier with wide gain range
Key Features
- TSMC 0.18 um SiGe
- Wide gain range (0…62 dB)
- Low group delay time ripple vs. frequency and gain
- Analog and digital output modes
- Automatic gain control system
- Automatic gain control detector threshold adjustment in the digital mode
- Portable to other technologies (upon request)
- Receivers
- Schematic or NetList
- Abstract model (.lef and .lib files)
- Layout view (optional)
- Behavioral model (Verilog)
- Extracted view (optional)
- DRC, LVS, antenna report
- Test bench with saved configurations (optional)
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
TSMC 0.18 um SiGe
Silicon proven
Silicon Proven:
Related IPs
- 64 dB Intermediate frequency amplifier with wide gain range
- 1 to 30 MHz Intermediate-Frequency Amplifier with Wide Gain Range
- 60 to 83 MHz High linearity intermediate frequency amplifier
- 0 to 62 dB intermediate frequency amplifier
- 7 to 20 MHz Intermediate frequency amplifier
- The CODEC integrates: 2-channel 24-bit sigma-delta ADC, 2-channel 24-bit sigma-delta DAC with headphone driver amplifier, and audio PLL to support a wide range of sample rates.