Interleaver / De-interleaver
The Interleaver/De-interleaver LogiCORE™ module is a high-speed, compact design that is fully synchronous, using a single clock. It's parameterizable features support both the Forney Convolutional architecture and the Rectangular Block architecture. The number of branches and branch lengths are parameterizable. The core supports a symbol size from 1 to 256 bits.
Key Features
- High-speed compact symbol interleaver/de-interleaver with AXI4-Stream interfaces
- Supports many popular standards such as DVB and CDMA2000
- Supports both the Forney Convolutional and the Rectangular Block architectures
- Supports a symbol size from 1 to 256 bits
- Generate example VHDL testbench
- Internal or external symbol RAM
- Convolutional interleaver supports multiple configurations with on-the-fly swapping
- For use with Vivado® IP Catalog and Xilinx System Generator for DSP™
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- Interleaver / De-interleaver
- Interleaver/De-Interleaver
- Intel 8259A Functional Equivalent Programmable Interrupt Controller
- Intel 8259A Functional Equivalent Programmable Interrupt Controller
- Intel 8279 Functional Equivalent Programmable Keyboard/Display Interface
- Intel 8255A Functional Equivalent Programmable Peripheral Interface