The Interlaken Verification IP provides an effective & efficient way to verify Devices with Interlaken controller supporting any number of lanes. The Interlaken VIP is fully compliant with Interlaken Protocol Definition 1.2. This VIP is a lightweight VIP with an easy plug-and-play interface so that there is no hit on the design time and the simulation time.
Interlaken Verification IP
Key Features
- Compliant to Interlaken Protocol Specification Rev 1.2, Interlaken Look-Aside Protocol Definition Rev 1.1, Interlaken Retransmit Extension Protocol Definition Rev 1.2, Interlaken Interoperability Recommendation v 1.9.
- Complainto theReed Solomon Forward Error Correction Extension 1.0
- Configurable BurstMax, BurstMin, BurstShort size, Meta Frame Length, Channel ON/OFF.
- Configurable Number of lanes. Up to 64K channels using Multi-Use bits.
- Supports both In-band and Out of band flow control.
- Supports the Optional Scheduling mechanism.
- Configuration to disable the scrambling function.
- Flexibility to schedule packets for different channel
- based on priority.
- 64/67B encoding supported with inversion bit added
- according to the disparity.
- Support for packet and segment mode or both.
- Supports all types of error injection and detection.
- On-the-fly protocol checking using protocol check functions.
- Complete static and dynamic assertion protocol checks.
- Built-in coverage analysis.
- Test pattern generation as per specification.
- Available in native SystemVerilog (UVM/OVM/VMM) and Verilog
- Unique development methodology to ensure highest levels of quality
- Availability of Compliance & Regression Test Suites
- 24X5 customer support
- Unique and customizable licensing models
- Exhaustive set of assertions and coverage points with connectivity example for all the components
- Consistency of interface, installation, operation and documentation across all our VIPs
Block Diagram

- Interlaken Transmitter and Receiver with description for the user interface.
- Interlaken Monitor and Scoreboard
- Test-Bench Configurations
- Test Suite (Available in Source code) :
- Basic Protocol Tests
- Directed & Random Tests
- Assertion and Cover Point Tests
- Integration Guide, User Manual and Release Notes