Implementation of the new WLAN security standard (802.16e) requires the NIST standard AES cipher in CTR and CBC modes (a.k.a. CCM) for encryption and message authentication. The CCM6 AES core is tuned for 802.16e applications. The core contains the base AES core AES1 and is available for immediate licensing.
The design is fully synchronous and available in both source and netlist form.
IEEE 802.16e (WiMAX) AES Core
Key Features
- Small size: from 8,900 ASIC gates at 802.16 data speeds
- Completely self-contained: does not require external memory
- Includes encryption, decryption, key expansion and data interface
- Support for Counter Mode Encryption (CTR) operation and CCM extensions (Counter Mode with CBC MAC)
- Support for CMAC and MBS-CTR modes
- Flow-through design with header parsing
- Test bench provided
- Ultracompact core (9K ASIC gates).
Block Diagram

- Storage encryption
- HDL Source Licenses
- Synthesizable Verilog RTL source code
- Testbench (self-checking)
- Vectors for testbenches
- Expected results
- Simulation script
- Synthesis script
- User Documentation
- Netlist Licenses
- Post-synthesis EDIF
- Testbench (self-checking)
- Vectors for testbenches
- Expected results
- Place & Route script
- Simulation script
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
TSMC 0.18
Related IPs
- IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) CCM* AES Cores
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode
- DVB-RCS and IEEE 802.16 WiMAX turbo encoder
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Programmable Block Cipher Modes
- IEEE 802.16 WiMAX High Speed 8 State Turbo Decoder
- AES 256 encryption IP core