The IPB-I2S-TDM-ASRC combines an I2S/TDM configurable serial audio interface with two embedded stereo Asynchronous Sample Rate Converters (ASRCs).
The ASRCs can provide very high quality in terms of harmonic distortion and noise, tolerance and rejection of input jitter. When sample rate conversion is not necessary, the ASRCs can be bypassed.
The I2S/TDM supports the well-known stereo formats: I2S, Left-Justified or Right-Justified and many configurable TDM formats up to 256 channels.
The backend interface is supplied with a choice of AMBA-AHB, AMBA-APB or a parallel interface.
I2S/TDM Serial Audio Interface with Asynchronous Sample Rate Conversion
Key Features
- 2-channel audio sample rate converter
- Sample size: up to 24 bits
- Lower than -130 dB THD+N for common conversion ratios
- Fast synchronization time: 128 input samples
- Latency: 64/FSin + 2/FSout
- Automatically adjusts to changes in both input and output sample rates
- High input jitter tolerance
- Input/output sample rate range: 8 kHz to 192 kHz
- Sampling rate conversion ratios: 3.9 : 1 : 7
- Features customized upon request
- Runtime configurable serial audio formats: I2S, left-justified, right-justified or TDM
- Supports all commonly used sample rates including (but not limited) 8, 11.025, 16, 22.05, 32, 44.1, 48, 96, and 192 kHz
- Audio sample sizes: 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits
- Supports slave or master modes
- Supports up to 256 audio channels
- Integrating this unique component will eliminate a discrete component in the bill of materials
- Support for both FPGA and ASIC with seamless transition
- Configurable architecture allows features to be changed upon request
Block Diagram

- Verilog source code or FPGA netlist
- Verilog testbench for RTL simulation
- Synthesis constraints
- Datasheet
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Silicon and FPGA proven
Related IPs
- PDM-to-PCM Conversion with AMBA Interface
- ASRC-Lite : 16-bit -90dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter
- ASRC-Pro : 24-bit -130dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Sample Rate Converter
- 24-bit/-140 dB THD+N Multi-Channel Audio Async Sample Rate Converter
- Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) 8 channels
- Asynchronous Sample Rate Converter (ASRC) 2 channels