HKDF/HMAC/SHA-384, SHA-384 IP Core with Extended Functionalities


XIP3323B is a versatile Intellectual Property (IP) core designed for SHA-384 cryptographic hash function with extended support for HMAC message authentication code and HKDF key derivation function that are based on using SHA-384. SHA-384 is one of the most commonly used hash functions and is used in numerous cryptographic applications. XIP3323B offers a good balance between performance and resource requirements.

XIP3323B has been designed for easy integration with FPGA- and ASIC-based designs in a vendor-agnostic design methodology, and the functionality of XIP3323B does not rely on any FPGA manufacturer-specific features.

XIP3323B has also been successfully validated in the CAVP (Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program) by NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology).

Key Features

  • Versatility: XIP3323B supports the widely used cryptographic hash function SHA-384. It also has native support for commonly used message authentication code (HMAC) based on SHA-384 and key derivation function (HKDF) based on HMAC. This allows using XIP3323B for multiple cryptographic functions - for example, TLS 1.3 - more easily and efficiently than an IP core that supports only SHA-384.
  • Constant Latency: The execution time of XIP3323B is independent of the message and key values (apart from message length), and consequently provides protection against timing-based side-channel attacks.
  • Performance: XIP3323B provides high performance and reaches hashing speeds of several hundreds of Mbps.
  • Compact Size: XIP3323B has compact size (for example, 2481 ALMs and 6 M20K blocks in Intel Cyclone 10 GX family) permitting integration into resource constrained FPGA designs.
  • Standard Compliance: XIP3323B is compliant with NIST FIPS 180-4 Secure Hash Standard (SHS), FIPS 198-1 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), and RFC 5869 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF). Consequently, XIP3323B can be used in multiple cryptographic applications.


  • Fully digital design
  • Portable to any ASIC or FPGA technology
  • Fully standard compliant
  • Easy to integrate
  • Several bus interfaces available
  • IP core designed in-house at Xiphera
  • Technical support by the original designers and cryptographic experts
  • CAVP validated

Block Diagram

HKDF/HMAC/SHA-384, SHA-384 IP Core with Extended Functionalities Block Diagram


  • XIP3323B supports four main functionalities:
    • SHA-384: Computes a SHA-256 hash for an input message.
    • HMAC: Computes an HMAC authentication tag for an input message using an authentication key.
    • HKDF-extract: Computes the HKDF-extract function that calculates a pseudorandom key from initial key material.
    • HKDF-expand: Computes the HKDF-expand function that expands the pseudorandom key to several additional pseudorandom keys of desired lengths for specific cryptographic algorithms.


  • XIP3323B can be shipped in a number of formats, including netlist, source code, or encrypted source code.
  • Additionally, synthesis scripts, a comprehensive testbench, and a detailed datasheet including an integration guide are included. .

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
Hardware Tested
Semiconductor IP