The Arasan High-Speed SPI - AHB IP Core provides a high-speed data communication channel between the AHB and SPI buses. The SPI - AHB bridge enables an AHB host to access a serial device at high speed through the SPI interface. The controller can be used in applications such as flash memory card and digital camera.
The Arasan High Speed SPI – AHB IP Core is an RTL design in Verilog that implements an SPI – AHB controller on an ASIC, or FPGA. The Arasan High Speed SPI – AHB IP Core has been widely used in different applications by major chip vendors.
High Speed SPI AHB IP Core- Serial Peripheral Interface
Key Features
- High Speed SPI Interface
- Compliant with Motorola SPI specification
- Compliant with TI SPI specification
- Compliant with National Mode SPI specification
- Supports both SPI Master and SPI slave Operations
- Supports programmable clock polarity, clock Phases.
- Supports clock pre-scaling and clock bit rate
- AHB Interface
- Compliance with AMBA [Rev2.0] for easy integration with SOC implementations
- Supports AHB bus for varying frequency range
- Supports Bus mastering DMA modes.
- Supports both AHB master and AHB slave modes.
- Supports interrupts.
- Has transmit and receive FIFOs 32x32 to accelerate the data transfers to AHB and SPI domains.
- Fully compliant core
- Premier direct support from Arasan IP core designers
- Easy-to-use industry standard test environment
- Un-encrypted source code allows easy implementation Reuse Methodology
- Manual guidelines (RMM) compliant verilog code ensured
- Verilog HDL
- Synopsis synthesis scripts
- Test Environment and test scripts
- SPI - AHB controller’s Userguide with full programming interface and parameterization instructions.
Technical Specifications
Silicon proven
Related IPs
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Assertion IP
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Synthesizable Transactor
- Octal SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Verification IP
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Verification IP
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Flash Verification IP
- High Performance Embedded Host NVMe IP Core