Lossless data compression is a class of data compression algorithms that allows the exact original data to be reconstructed from the compressed data. Lossless compression is used when it is important that the original and the decompressed data be identical, or when no assumption can be made on whether certain deviation is uncritical. Typical applications include data storage and transmission.
LZR1 implements the lossless compression algorithm on short units of data (“frames”). The core supports frame sizes up to 4096 bytes.
The design is fully synchronous and available in multiple configurations varying in bus widths and throughput.
LZR1-6 can easily deliver 10 Gbps of throughput in both FPGA and ASIC implementations. The compression ratio greatly depends on the data and somewhat depends on the frames size; on typical file corpuses varies between 1.5 and 2.
High-Performance Lossless Compression Core
Key Features
- Each frame is compressed and decompressed independently
- High throughput: LZR1 easily scales to 10 Gbps in FPGA
- Compatibility with public-domain LZ software implementations allows for interoperability
- Support for compression and decompression in a single core; dedicates compression and decompression versions are available
- Back-to-back compression with no gaps between the frames
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- High-Performance Lossless Compression Core
- High-Performance Lossless Compression/Encryption Combo Core
- JPEG 2000 Encoder - Up to 16-bit per Component Lossy & Numerically Lossless Image & Video Compression
- Lossless JPEG Encoder - Up to 16-bit per Component Numerically Lossless Image & Video Compression
- CCSDS 122.0-B-1 Encoder - Lossless and Lossy Image Data Compression with up to 16 bits Pixel Dynamic Range
- Visually LossLess compression hardware RTL core that complies with ISO/IEC-21122-1 (JPEG XS)