This general purpose input/ output controller provides some unique features that eases system integration and use. Each GPIO port can be configured for input, output or bypass mode. Output data can be set in one access or single or multiples bits can be set or cleared. Every GPIO port can serve as an interrupt source and has its own configuration options:
- Level sensitive, single edge triggered or level change
- Active high or low respectively rising edge or falling edge
- Individual interrupt enable register and status flags
General Purpose Input / Output Controller (GPIO)
Key Features
- Up to 32 ports
- Each port can be input, output or bypass
- Data set or bitwise set and clear control
- Input data synchronization
- Flexible interrupt generation for each GPIO pin
- Supports synchronous bus interfaces such as AMBA APB version 2.0
- Full synchronous design
- Synthesis Options
- For gate-count optimization, the core can be configured to disable the configuration register read-back path. Synthesis options are included to use the core in 8, 16 and 32-bit systems. The number opf ports is selectable as well.
- With a separate APB wrapper, the core can be used in ARM subsystems.
Block Diagram

- Industrial control
- System-on-Chip
- Peripheral Logic
- Embedded Systems
- VHDL or Verilog RTL Source Code
- Functional Testbench
- Synthesys Script
- Data Sheet
- User Guide
- Hotline Support by means of phone, fax and e-mail
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Technology independent
Proven in many ASIC and FPGA Technologies
Related IPs
- General Purpose 10-bit DAC - 10 bits, 2MSPS, buffered output option - LFoundry 0.15µm LF150 CMOS
- PLL general purpose / DDR memory, 50-500Mhz, 4 phases (0/90/180/270)
- APB General Purpose IO
- Horizontal Down-scaler (Customized to two input resolutions and two output resolutions)**
- 2D Up-scaler (Customized to two input resolutions and two output resolutions)**
- 1V, micro-Power, Rail-to-Rail Input / Output Operational Amplifier