Veriest's SPI Master Controller IP provides an industry standard data communication channel between the AMBA APB and SPI buses. It supports SPI master mode with word lengths up to 32 bits. The APB interface connects seamlessly to the AMBA 3 APB Bus as an AMBA Bus slave. The Core is a fully synthesizable Verilog Model.
The IP performs serial to parallel and parallel to serial data conversions using a receive FIFO and a transmit FIFO as buffers. During compilation the depth of the receive FIFO, the depth of the transmit FIFO, and the FIFO widths can be configured, up to a maximum of 32 bits width x 32 lines depth.
The SPI Master Controller offers a mechanism for write and then read using the SPI bus. SPI RX words can be blocked if the specified number of words have already been transmitted by the SPI. TX word pops can be blocked until a gate is opened by the CPU. The SPI Master Controller supports all four combinations of SPI clock idle polarity and SPI clock data transfer phase configurations.
The SPI Master Controller supports one interrupt line. The interrupt can be configurable for the following conditions:
• Chip select assert or de-assert
• FIFOs overflow or underflow
• FIFOs pre-configured threshold interrupts
• Pre-configured SPI word and bit counters threshold
Flash SPI controller master/slave
Key Features
- Full-duplex operation allows simultaneous receive and transmit
- SPI Master mode operation
- APB Slave mode operation
- Four wire SPI bus – data rx, data tx, clock, chip select
- Memory mapped APB interface
- Buffered operation with separate configurable receive and transmit FIFOs
- Compliant with AMBA APB revision 3.0 specification
- Configurable SPI word width 8, 16, 24, 32 bits
- Optional PIF bus instead of APB bus.
- Supports up to 16 SPI slaves.
- Interrupts supports
- Synthesizable Verilog RTL
- Verilog test bench and test cases
- Specman or System Verilog verification environment and test cases
- Detailed block diagram and technical documents
Technical Specifications
Silicon proven
Related IPs
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- Enhanced SPI Controller IP- Master/Slave, Parameterized FIFO, AMBA APB / AHB / AXI Bus. Supports eSPI Master & Slave and SPI Master & Slave functions
- SPI Flash Controller - Ensures reliable validation of SPI Flash memory controllers
- Master and Slave SPI Bus Controller
- Serial Peripheral Interface - Master/Slave with single, dual and quad SPI Bus support
- SPI Master/Slave- Serial Peripheral Interface