The Fast sort IP core is a AXI-compatible digital hardware block with internal data sorting algorithm. Hardware implementation of a sorting algorithm reduces complexity of a software data processing, data sorting time and increases performance in time-critical applications. The Fast sort IP core can be used for sorting custom data, sorting array of data structure and for nonlinear filters such as a median filter, minmax filter or a rank's filter.
The Fast sort IP core require low hardware resources and has a high maximum clock frequency. In real cases The Fast sort IP core can increase a sorting time up to 10-20 times.
Fast sort IP core
Key Features
- Special sorting block for hardware implementation
- Low resources requirements
- One clock signal requirements
- Sorted array on each clock cycle
- AXI4-Lite compatible interface
- Programmable register for various sorting modes
- Programmable rank display mode
- Used only FUT and FF resources
- Clock frequency over 300 MHz for 128 data points
- Sorting speed increasing
- Linear sorting time
- Code simplification
- Simple integration and using
- Machine vision
- Machine learning
- IoT
- Flash controllers
- Logical controllers
- Time-critical application
- Digital signal processing
- RF systems
- Netlist of The Fast sort IP core with fixed synthesized parameters;
- The verification environment for The Fast sort IP core netlist modeling and testing;
- Test project for The Xilinx Vivado® for Zync-7000 SoC;
- HAL on C language for standalone embedded application;
- Driver of Linux OS for The Fast sort IP core data exchange;
- User manual and technical documentation.
Technical Specifications
in stock
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