The M8051EW is a highly configurable soft-core implementation of the industry standard 8051 microcontroller that features a two-clocks-per-machine cycle architecture. Use of standard synchronous design methodology makes this core simple to integrate into both ASIC and FPGA SoC designs.
Enhanced Fast 8-bit Microcontroller with On-Chip Debug
Key Features
- Binary and Memory cycle compatible with Intel 8051 Designs
- Fast 2-clocks per machine cycle implementation
- Richly-featured hardware debugger: multiple breakpoints, instruction traceback, single step execution. Full debug access to all registers and memory spaces 1Mbyte program and data address spaces
- Memory interfaces may be configured for synchronous or asynchronous devices
- External interfaces support wait states
- Optional demultiplexed program and data interfaces
- Optional single machine cycle memory accesses
- Up to 8 16-bit data pointers
- 25-input, five level interrupt controller
- Full implementation of legacy peripherals: 32 GPIO ports, 3 16-bit counter timers and a full-duplex serial port. All legacy peripherals are optional
- Watchdog timer
- 2-wire and 4-wire interfaces
- Pulse width modulator array
- Flexible interfacing options for external peripherals
- Power saving modes: powerdown, stasis, idle and run
- VHDL 93 and Verilog 2001 RTL source code
- RTL configuration script
- VHDL and Verilog Testbenches
- Demonstration assembly code
- Simulation scripts for Modelsim and Cadence
- Synopsys synthesis compile scripts and SDC timing constraint files
- Example Mentor DFT and ATPG scripts
- Example netlist implementation with SDF files
- Detailed product specification and a user guide containing implementation notes