Elliptic Curve Digital Signature generation and verification


eSi-ECDSA is a hardware acceleration core for Elliptic Curve (EC) Digital Signature Algorithm modular arithmetic operations defined in IEEE1363 and other cryptographic standards. Supported operations include the EC Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), Korean Digitial Signature Algorithm (KCDSA), EC Deffie-Hellman (ECDH) and variations of these protocols.

Key Features

  • Supports any EC over GF(p) of the simplified Weierstrass form that is commonly defined in ECC standards such as NIST, SEC2, Brainpool;
  • Supported arithmetic operations: EC Scalar Multiplication (ECSM), EC Addition (ECA), EC Doubling (ECD), Modular Addition (MA), Modular Subtraction (MS), Modular Multiplication (MM), Modular Division (MD), Modular Inversion (MI), Signature (DS) and Verification (DV)
  • Supports any key size up to the maximum specified in the pre-synthesis stage;
  • Resistant against both Simple and Statistical Timing side channel Attacks (STA), and Simple Power Analysis (SPA) attacks. Optional support for resistance against Differential Power Analysis (DPA) and Doubling Attacks (DA);
  • Selection between a ‘small’ and ‘medium’ gate count architectures depending on the processing latency requirements of the application;
  • No RAM/ROM blocks used;
  • APB interface for loading curve parameters and private key, and unloading the ECSM result.


  • Easy integration into an Arm or other microprocessor SoC
  • Small size and high performance


  • RTL
  • Testbench
  • Software libraries

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
Semiconductor IP