This is a high-performance, dual high-symbol-rate (HSR) DVB-S2/S2X demodulator IP extarcted from production chipsets with integrated tuner and silcon proven technology. The demodulators are compliant with Annex M of the DVB-S2 specification EN 302 307 and can demodulate signals up to 500 Msymbol/s. Each HSR demodulator may demodulate up to 2 slices. This implements 8 multi-standard demodulators capable of DVB-S, DTV legacy, DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X broadcast-profile signal processing.
This IP incorporates a high-speed DVB-S2 forward error corrector (FEC) which is designed to handle up to 720 Mchannel-b/s at its input. This allows for 8 simultaneous 8PSK decodes at 30 Msymbol/s. This capacity is shared between the demodulators and may be allocated at will, provided that the maximum capacity limit is not exceeded.This IP features four integrated full-band capture tuners which cover the band 950 to 2150 MHz. The signal is sampled by high-performance analog to digital converters with built in anti-aliasing filters.These ADCs connect to a high-speed digital multiplexer which allows any tuner input to feed any of the 8 demodulators.
This implements full S2 and S2X interactive services capability with short frames and full-ACM functionality including MODCOD blocking. An NCR PLL compatible with both MPEG2 and GSE streams has been implemented and may be associated with any of the demodulators to assure return-channel synchronization. A transport stream processor is able to filter on PIDs, carry out PCR re-stamping and conduct PID relabeling. In this way the wanted program streams can be, for example, output on a single multiplexed bus thus reducing wiring complexity and saving board space. The transport stream processor is also capable of handling GSE, GSE-lite, IP streams and can output raw, baseband fames.
DVB-S2X WideBand Demodulator IP
Key Features
- Two high-symbol-rate (HSR) demodulators: Maximum baud rate 500 Msymbol/s, Up to two slices each,DVB-S2/S2X and Annex M compliant
- Up to 8 multi-standard demodulators: S/S2/S2X/DTV
- Integrated full-band tuners and ADCs
- High-speed digital multiplexer to connect any tuner to any demodulator
- NCR PLL support
- Flexible transport stream processor:PID filtering, PCR re-stamping and re-labelling, GSE label filtering,TS merger (multiplex),Channel bonding
- Low power consumption
- Wake-on-network PID or GSE label
- Fast auto scan
- Signal monitoring, spectral analysis, bit error rate test and reporting
- Interfaces:Crystal oscillator,I2C serial bus interface, including private, repeater for optional LNA,TS, 8 serial, 2 parallel or multiplexed, JTAG for boundary scan, DiSEqC 1.x and DiSEqC2.x compatible receiver, 22-kHz,FSK modem, Flexible GPIOs and interrupts
- Ready to license
- No Royalty Model
- Modifications Rights, Unlimited usage
- Extracted from Production chipsets
Block Diagram

- Consumer Satellite broadband gateway.
- Professional Satellite demodulator
- component.
- Multi-dwelling unit.
- Satellite multi-room server.
- Multi-channel Satellite STB and PVR.
- Verilog Source RTL Code plus Simulation Environment
- RTL/C Source Code
- Physical Design scripts - Synopsys synthesis
- Hardware simulation test bench with regression test suit
- Reference platform drivers
- Complete Design Database
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
Silicon Proven