DPA Resistant AES Core


The DPA Resistant AES solution implements the AES algorithm with built-in robust, flexible side-channel resistance validated and optimized for different performance and security levels.

Key Features

  • Core implements a very high-security AES primitive
  • Available as AES-128 and AES-256 encrypt and decrypt
  • Simple control/status interface
  • Implements DPA countermeasures such as LMDPL (LUT-Masked Dual-rail with Pre-charge Logic) gate-level masking and other schemes
  • No routing constraints necessary for LMDPL gate-level masking
  • Design Priorities:
    • Security
    • Performance
    • Area


  • High-performance and DPA resistance-proven AES cryptographic core
  • Provides a higher level of protection than standard AES cores
  • Extensively validated against side-channel attacks
  • Highly flexible for integration with standard cipher modes such as CBC, ECB, etc.
  • Easy-to-integrate into SoCs

Block Diagram

DPA Resistant AES Core Block Diagram


  • Aerospace and Defense
  • Content Protection
  • Mobile
  • Storage
  • Secure Communications
  • Automotive
  • Payments/Point-of-Sale
  • Internet of Things


  • The DPA Resistant AES solution is available as either an IP core or a software library.
  • DPA Resistant AES Core:
    • Verilog RTL reference design
    • Synthesis Inputs
      • SDC constraint file suitable for FPGA or ASIC synthesis
    • Documentation
      • Usage guide
    • Functional Testbench
      • NIST-compliant test vectors
    • Development and Test Environment (optional)
      • DPA Workstation
      • Implementation on reference FPGA board
      • Integrated testing framework
    • DPA Resistant AES Software Library:
      • Reference design source code with build scripts and test vectors for the reference (ARM-based) platform
      • Packaged libraries for a specific platform
      • Development and Test Environment (optional)
        • Hardware reference board for a specific platform
        • DPA Workstation
      • Specification sheet for DPA-resistant target level on a specific platform
      • Documentation for library usage
      • Cryptography Research software services
        • Analysis, development, integration, optimization, and support
      • Cryptography Research software support
        • Quarterly or semiannual bug fixes and enhancements
        • Periodic upgrades depending on customer priority
      • Optional Cryptography Research services
        • DPA and DPAWS training
        • Software testing: testing performed either by Cryptography Research or by customer after training from Cryptography Research

    Technical Specifications

    Foundry, Node
    Silicon proven
Semiconductor IP