The IP-ALDES core is the VHDL model of the processor, that performs DES encryption and decryption. The model is fully compliant with FIPS46-2.
DES Encryption and Decryption Processor
Key Features
- Fully compliant 56-Bit key DES implementation
- Single DES operation
- Encryption and decryption are performed in 16 clock cycles
- Suitable for ECB, CBC, CFB and OFB implementations
- Suitable for Triple-DES implementation
- No dead clock cycles
- Simple interface and timing
- Fully synchronous design
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- DES and Triple DES data encryption / decryption
- DES and Triple DES (TDES or 3DES) encryption and decryption coprocessor
- TwoFish data encryption and decryption
- AES data encryption and decryption
- Advanced Encryption Standard En- / Decryption IP-Core
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode