DC-DC IP, Input: 3.3V, Output: +/- 12.5V / +6V, UMC 0.35um Logic process
Three pulse width modulation, boosting voltage from 3.3V to +/-12.5V, and +6V, Ivcca=450uA @ Idrive=0.
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
UMC 350nm Logic
Silicon Proven: 350nm
Silicon Proven: 350nm
Related IPs
- Rail to Rail Input and Output Operational Amplifier
- General Purpose Input / Output Controller (GPIO)
- Single Port SRAM Compiler IP, UMC 65nm SP process
- DC/DC - Input 1.2~2.5V, output 3.3V
- DC/DC - Input 5.0V/4.2V, output 1.8V/1.2V
- Horizontal Down-scaler (Customized to two input resolutions and two output resolutions)**