CDC is a fully Customizable Display Controller IP core family supporting the OpenWF display API specification. Several features can be configured at synthesis time and controlled at run time via a register interface and easy to use software driver. The display controller can be applied to e.g. FPGA systems with a resource optimized, application specific feature configuration or to ASIC projects applying a more generic feature set and thus more flexibility.
Customizable Display Controller with composition support
Key Features
- Layer Blending
- Windowing
- Gamma Correction
- Color Keying
- Dithering
- Layer CLUT
- RGB/Greyscale Input Formats
- RGB888 Output
- Dual View
- Scaling
- Mirroring (H & V)
- YCBCR Input Formats
- YCBCR Output Formats
- Layer Blending Order
- Missed-Pixel Handling
- Single Frame Mode
- Dual CPU Support
- Frame CRC
- On the fly 90° or 270° rotation
- The main functionality of CDC is reading images (layers) from memory, combining them on-the-fly e.g. by blending, cropping and windowing and generating a video output stream of the combined image. CDC supports image compositioning as well as partial screen updates. The output interface of the CDC is compliant with the MIPI-DPI standard and can be easily connected with any video output controller such as HDMI-, MIPI-DSI- or 3G-SDI controllers.
- GUI and graphics systems, e.g. for consumer electronics, whitegoods or professional devices
- Video distribution systems
- Video adapter systems
- Low power wearables
Technical Specifications
silicon proven
Related IPs
- PCIe 7.0 Retimer Controller with CXL Support
- PCIe 6.0 Retimer Controller with CXL Support
- PCIe 3.1 Controller with AXI
- Display Controller – 4K Digital Cinema LCD Panels (AXI4/AXI Bus)
- BANDGAP POR & APC Advanced Power Controller with Power on Reset (Vin=1.08-1.98V)
- Display Controller - LCD / OLED Panels (AHB-Lite Bus)