Our Smart Mesh IP Suite offers the Smart Mesh Profile and Application Level Encryption. The Smart BLE Mesh Profile is compatible with BT-SIG’s draft Smart Mesh Profile specification.
Smart Mesh over Bluetooth Smart is built grounds up to meet the needs of embedded systems. It is optimized for Memory and MIPS. The IP suite is implemented on ANSI C to enable portability across processor platforms.
This Mesh IP can be integrated with any 3rd party Bluetooth low energy stack with access to the GATT Layer (for GATT Bearer interface) and HCI Layer (Advertising Bearer interface)
This Mesh IP is a complete implementation of current version of the Bluetooth Mesh specifications v1.1
Interoperability tested at all Mesh UnPlugFests
BQB Qualified
Bluetooth MESH v1.1 Software IP
Key Features
- Flooding Mesh Network: Uses broadcast channels to transmit messages so that other nodes can receive messages and relay these messages by re-transmitting them, thus extending the range of the original message
- Bearer Layer: Advertising (ADV) Bearer (Advertising data type to encapsulate the mesh packet) & GATT Bearer (Attribute protocol used to encapsulate the mesh packet)
- Provisioning Bearer (PB): Provisioning of nodes on the BLE-Mesh through PB-ADV, PB-Mesh and PB-GATT
- Platform and Operating Systems (OS) Agnostic and is designed for Easy Portability
- No limitation on number of Mesh Nodes
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) blocks supports are CMAC (IETF RFC 4493) and CCM (IETF RFC 3610), as per BT-SIG specification requirements
- Reduced Technical Risk
- Fully testing in UnPlugFests
- BT-SIG certification
- Complete implementation in ANSI C to enable easy portability across various micro controllers
- Platform and Operating Systems (OS) Agnostic and is designed for Easy Portability
- Proven portability across 3rd party Bluetooth Stack
- Cost Optimization
- Memory Footprint of 48-64 KB Flash
- Low MIPS requirement
Block Diagram

- Smart Mesh IP implemented in ANSI C consisting of:
- Smart Mesh Profile (Servers, Clients roles)
- Application based encryption using 128-bit AES CCM (IETF RFC 3610) and CMAC (IETF RFC 4493)
- Source Code of Transport Abstraction Layer and Operating System Abstraction Layer
- Source Code of sample applications to illustrate the use of APIs
- Documentation
- API Documents for Smart Mesh Profile and Encryption blocks
- API Documents for the Transport Abstraction Layer
- API Documents for the Operating System Abstraction Layer
- User manual describing how to build and run the sample application
Technical Specifications
In Production
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