The DB9100AHB BitBLT Graphics Hardware Accelerator Verilog IP Core renders a graphics frame by generating new bitmaps from commands to combining existing bitmaps on and off-screen using one of 256 Raster Operations. A Raster Operation (ROP) is a bitwise Boolean operation (such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT).
The DB9100AHB also contains a Monochrome Bitmap Color Expansion feature, typically used for font expansion of compressed character bitmaps. A 1-bit depth bitmap is expanded to one of two colors, a foreground or background color, with the foreground color representing the text, and the background color the non-text background.
The DB9100AHB also contains a programmable Alpha Blend unit, blending two bitmaps into one.
The DB9100AHB interfaces to a microprocessor and frame buffer memory via the AMBA AHB Interconnect, providing high performance memory throughput. The DB9100AHB contains a DMA Command Linked-List Processing Unit, for independently reading and processing graphics commands from the host processor.
BitBLT Graphics Hardware Accelerator (AHB Bus)
Key Features
- Bit Block Transfer – 3 Independent Memory Sources of data:
- On-Screen & Off-Screen Data Block (SRC)
- Off-Screen Fixed Pattern Data Block (PTN)
- On-Screen visible Data Block (DST)
- Raster Operations (ROP) performed on Block Transfers:
- 256 Raster Operations
- ROP0, ROP1, ROP2, & ROP3 operations
- Includes industries most popular 16 ROPs
- BitBLT Draw Features:
- Pixels, Horizontal & Vertical Lines
- Overlapping & Non-Overlapping Block Transfers
- Solid Color Block Fills
- FONT Monochrome Bitmap to Color Expansion, either Transparent or Opaque
- Rotation Block Transfers: 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees
- Block Stretch on X & Y Axis
- Alpha Blending
- Sprite Moves
- Command FIFO or Link-List Display Processing Unit:
- Simplifies Processor Interface
- Minimizes Processor Overhead
- Frame Buffer & Display Features Supported:
- Display Resolutions 4K x 4K
- 4 GB Memory Range
- 8, 16 , 24, & 32 bits-per-pixel color depths
- Interrupt Controller with 3 sources of internal interrupts with masking control
- Reference Software Driver Included
- Reference Driver
- Graphics API Reference Design
- On-Chip Interconnect Compliance - AHB:
- AMBA AHB Specification 2.0
- FPGA Integration Support:
- Altera Quartus II & Qsys Integration & ARM / NIOS II EDS Reference Design
- Xilinx Vivado IP Integrator & Reference Design
- ASIC / ASSP Design-In Support:
- Compliance to RTL Design, Coding, & Verification Standards
- Digital Blocks Support Services
- Compatible with Digital Blocks DB9000 Family of TFT LCD Controller IP Cores and Reference Designs
- Fully-synchronous, synthesizable Verilog RTL core.
- The DB9100 family of BitBLT Graphics Hardware Accelerator IP Cores provides a higher graphics performance than a Host Microprocessor, while offering higher software productivity.
Block Diagram

- Verilog RTL Source or technology-specific netlist.
- Comprehensive testbench suite with expected results.
- Synthesis scripts.
- Installation & Implementation Guide.
- Technical Reference Manual.
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
IBM, TMSC, UMC, Tower, Fujitsu, GlobalFoundries, STMicroelectronics, SMIC, Common Platform
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