Automotive Grade 1 – 0.8V LDO Voltage Regulator on GLOBALFOUNDRIES 22FDX-AG1


The LDO Regulator macro addresses typical SOC power supply and other voltage regulation needs in a fully integrated easy-to-use macro. Input control pins are based on 0.8V voltage domain.

Specifications Description Symbol Min Typ Max Units LDO Power Voltage Input VIN 1.62 1.8 1.98 V LDO Power Voltage Input VIN 2.25 2.5 2.75 V LDO Power Voltage Input VIN 2.97 3.3 3.63 V LDO Power Voltage Output VOUT 0.76 0.8 0.84 V VOUT Precision (untrimmed) -5 5 % Output Capacitance CL 1 µF Operational Temperature TOP -40 25 150 °C Maximum EM Temperature TEM 125 °C Total Load Current EM average IL 500 mA Total Load Current LDO mode IL 0 500 mA Total Area 0.0308 Startup Time 10 us Voltage Step Resolution 12 mV Supply Rejection PSRR 10 dB Table 1: LDO Operational Range LDO Pin Description Pin Type Function VIN Power Input Power (1.8V / 2.5V / 3.3V, +/- 10%) VOUT Power Output Power to Core (0.8V, +/-5%) VOUT_ANA Power Output Power to Analog Macros (0.8V, +/-5%) DIS Input LDO Output disable (0=Regulated Output; 1=High Impedance Output) FB Input LDO Feedback Output voltage select. Default setting= 0000 VOUT_SEL[3:0] Input Trim can be applied as an offset to the VOUT_SEL code ALL_POWER_GOOD Input Power good signal indicating all power supplies are up.

DIS_MONITOR Output Digital read out signal for latched disable monitoring Table 2: Primary LDO Pin Description

Key Features

  • Wide input voltage range
  • Easy to integrate with no additional components or special power requirements
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Programmable output level
  • Trimming supported using 4-bit control
  • Implemented with Analog Bits’ proprietary architecture
  • Requires no additional on-chip macros, minimizing power consumption

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
Pre-Silicon: 22nm FDX
Semiconductor IP