Interrupt Controller (ICTRL) is an APB slave peripheral that can be used to control interrupts of devices when
that send interrupts to CPU.
An APB slave peripheral that can be used to control interrupts of devices when that send interrupts to CPU
Key Features
- 2 to 32 IRQ normal interrupt sources
- 1 to 8 FIQ fast interrupt sources (optional)
- Software interrupt
- Vectored interrupt (optional)
- Priority filtering
- Masking
- Programmable interrupt priorities (after configuration)
- Vector port interface that allows a processor to sample the vector address associated with the current highest priority irq without a bus access
- dti_ictrl is compatible with the following standards: AMBA, Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) Specification Version 2.0
- Communications, Data Processing, Industrial, Automotive
- Encrypted Verilog/SystemVerilog RTL, or post-synthesis netlist
- Synthesis and STA scripts
- User guide documents
- SV/UVM Verification suite with BFM
Technical Specifications
Pre Silicon
Related IPs
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, SCL Clock, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus. For low power requirements in I2C Slave Controller interface to CPU
- Driver Amplifier operating from 10 - 24 GHz and can be used in wide band application or to drive the high-power amplifier
- Driver Amplifier operating from 1-16 GHz and can be used in wide band application or to drive the high-power amplifier
- Driver Amplifier operating from 35 - 46 GHz and can be used in Ka / V band applications or to drive the high-power amplifier
- Driver Amplifier operating from 35 - 39 GHz and can be used in Ka band applications or to drive the high power amplifier
- Driver Amplifier operating from 24-30 GHz and can be used in wide band application or to drive the high-power amplifier