AES data encryption and decryption
Key Features
- Fully compliant with FIPS 197
- Key size of 128, 192 and 256 bits
- Encryption and Decryption
- Fully Synchronous Single Phase Design
- Key Expansion integrated
- no extra ROM and RAM required
- AMBA interface
- ~ 5.500 gates Bare Core (incl. Subkeys, SBox)
- 2 cycles per bit @128 bit key
- 133MHz @0.25µm
- Synthesizable Verilog Source code
- Comprehensive verification test bench
- Synthesis Scripts (Synopsys)
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- Inline cipher engine for PCIe, CXL, NVMe, 5G FlexE link integrity and data encryption (IDE) using AES GCM mode
- DES and Triple DES data encryption / decryption
- TwoFish data encryption and decryption
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Single Configurable Block Cipher Mode
- AES Encryption & Decryption IP Core − Programmable Block Cipher Modes
- Cryptographic library for encryption and decryption of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR and GCM modes