The Silicon chip supports 802.11bgn, 20Mhz/40Mhz standard.It supports PWM up to 6 channel, Co-existance interface to BLE / Zigbee chip.
The chip integrates strong 32-bit MCU up to 160 Mhz with 16KB ROM, 272KB SRAM, 512/1MB Flash. It has 40Mhz Xtal and 32K RC.
It has built in DC-DC and regulators.
This IP is delivered as the complete chip design data base enabling internalisation, customisation or as Whilte Lable chips.
802.11 BGN Low Power WIFI RF SoC
Key Features
- Tx output power: 11b 20dBm, 11g 16dBm@54Mbps, 11n 15dBm
- Rx sensitivity: -76dBm @ 54Mbps, -94dBm @ 6Mbps
- Current: 45mA @ Rx 54M, 138mA @16dBm
- Sensor support
- 12bits ADC with PGA
- Temperature sensor
- A Silicon proven chip that is available as a white box IP license with modification rights and unlimited usage
- IoT
- M2M
- Cellular
- Automotive
- Design Data Base of chip
- Schematics
- Layout
- Source Code
- Certification Certificates
- Chip Test program
Technical Specifications
Related IPs
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n Transceiver 2.4GHz+PA+Balun
- WiFi 802.11 b/g/n Transceiver 2.4GHz+PA+Balun+onChip/Match
- Wi-Fi 802.11 ax/Wi-Fi 6 /Bluetooth LE v5.4/15.4-2.4GHz RF Transceiver IP for IOT Application in TSMC22 ULL
- IEEE 802.11ah Wi-Fi HaLow RF Transceiver
- BT Dual Mode RF Transceiver SoC white Box IP - TSMC40
- I2C Controller IP – Slave, SCL Clock, Parameterized FIFO, APB Bus. For low power requirements in I2C Slave Controller interface to CPU