768x39 Bits OTP (One-Time Programmable) IP, TSMC 55ULP 0.9V–1.2V / 2.5V Process
The ATO0768X39TS055ULP4NL is organized as 768x39 one-time programmable (OTP). This is a type of non-volatile memory fabricated in TSMC 55nm LP 1.2V/2.5V & ULP 0.9V/2.5V Mixed-Signal, General Purpose process. The OTP can be widely used in chip ID, security key, memory redundancy, parameter trimming, configuration setting, feature selection, and PROM, etc.
Key Features
- Fully compatible with standard TSMC 55nm ULP 0.9–1.2V / 2.5V CMOS process
- Low voltage: VDD 0.85–1.32 V read and VDDP 1.77 V ± 5% program
- High speed program: 10-us single-bit programming
- High speed read: 5-Mhz read clock (200-ns cycle time) at 39-bit word.
- Asynchronous mode with output latches
- Additional row to store any information
- Deep sleep mode by VDD off to save power consumption
- Built-in test mode support
- Operating temperature range: -40 °C to 150 °C for read and -40 °C to 125 °C for program
- Small IP size
- Low program voltage/current
- Low read voltage/current
- High reliability
- Wide operating temperature range
- Silicon characterized
- Datasheet
- Verilog behavior model and test bench
- Timing library
- LEF File
- Phantom GDSII database
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
TSMC 55ULP 0.9V–1.2V / 2.5V Process
Silicon Proven & Ready for Production
Related IPs
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