2D Vector Graphics Accelerator / GPU (Graphics Processing Unit)


The D/AVE 2D is a compact, flexible and efficient 2D Vector Engine providing HW acceleration to CPU based graphics applications. D/AVE offers high quality rendering thanks to its built-in anti-aliasing using deep sub-pixel accuracy.

Key Features

  • Vertically integrated HW + SW solution
  • Monolithique HW building block, open to any system integration. Can be associated with any companion IP:
    • Video input
    • Display controller
    • Audio peripherals
    • Input: Keyboard, touch screen,…
  • 2 hardware versions:
    • ‘Standard’ : performance oriented
    • ‘Light’ : reduced gate count
  • Software ported on numerous processors and OS
    • x86 : PC demo available, requiring no special hardware
    • PowerPC
    • ARM
    • NIOS: fully integrated in SOPC Builder IDE
  • Open to any memory scheme:
    • One or multiple banks
    • Unified or dedicated memory
    • SDRAM, DDR, ZBT, …
  • Stable and rich API offering excellent HW abstraction layer :
    • Large set of pre-defined geometries : point, lines, polygones, splines, etc
    • Large set of rendering attributes: color, transparency, texture, patterns
    • Several modes available: solid, outline, shadowing, gradients
    • Clipping and blit operations
  • Flexible SW memory and execution management:
    • Buffer: any number, size, and location thanks to full control on memory mapping
    • Execution: synchronization performed through register control and interrupt mechanism, leaving full control to the application


  • Documentation (HTML)
  • VHDL
  • Driver
  • Ready to use NIOS project, based on Altera Evaluation Kit & Tools
  • PC based pixel exact simulator
  • Ready to use demos
  • Application SW templates

Technical Specifications

silicon proven
Semiconductor IP