180TSMC_PFD_04 is a phase-frequency detector (PFD) forms control signal for VCO tuning. PFD compares phases of divided VCO signal and divided reference oscillator signal and detects phase difference. Charge pump generates pulses for loop filter.
24.84 MHz Phase-frequency detector with charge pump (input amplitude 150…210 mV)
Key Features
- TSMC BiCMOS SiGe 180 nm
- Input signals with low amplitude
- Low disbalance of output current
- Reference frequency 24.84 MHz
- Output current is 20.5...106 uA
- Input amplitude is 150…210 mV
- Portable to other technologies (upon request)
Block Diagram

- Phase-locked loop synthesizer
- Schematic or NetList
- Abstract model (.lef and .lib files)
- Layout view (optional)
- Behavioral model (Verilog)
- Extracted view (optional)
- DRC, LVS, antenna report
- Test bench with saved configurations (optional)
- Documentation
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
TSMC BiCMOS SiGe 180 nm
Silicon proven
Silicon Proven:
Related IPs
- PLL 24.84 MHz phase-frequency detector with charge pump
- 24.84 MHz Phase-frequency detector with charge pump
- 24.84 MHz phase-frequency detector with charge pump
- 0.1 to 25 MHz Phase-frequency detector with charge pump
- 1 to 20 MHz Phase-frequency detector and charge pump
- PLL CMOS phase-frequency detector with ECL charge pump