The solution from Creonic for data rates of up to 1 Gbit/s offers outstanding efficiency in terms of implementation complexity. John Porter, CTO of Cambridge Communications Systems and convinced Creonic customer, says: “The Creonic WiMedia IP core runs at over twice the speed and uses half the logic of any competing products“. Area and energy efficiency played a decisive role during the LDPC code design process. With this unified approach not only outstanding efficiency is obtained, but also excellent error correction performance, outperforming Viterbi decoders by up to 3 dB. At the same time, a throughput of hundreds of Mbit/s can be achieved even on low-cost FPGAs.
1Gbit/s LDPC Decoder and Encoder (WiMedia UWB)
Key Features
- Compliant with Multiband OFDM Physical Layer Specification, PHY Specification: Final Deliverable 1.5, August 11, 2009
- Support for all LDPC codes (approximate channel coding rates 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 4/5)
- Support for short and long blocks (1,200 and 1,320 bits)
- Silicon-proven IP
- Decodes more than 5 codeword bits per clock cycle for throughputs beyond 1 Gbit/s
- Gains up to 3 dB compared to Viterbi decoders
- Low-power and low-complexity design
- Layered LDPC decoder architecture, for faster convergence behavior
- Block-to-block on-the-fly configuration
- Early stopping criterion for iterative LDPC decoder, saving a considerable amount of energy
- Configurable amount of LDPC decoding iterations for trading-off throughput and error correction performance
- Collection of statistic information (number of modified information bits, number of iterations, decoding successful)
- LDPC encoder included
- Available for ASIC and FPGAs (AMD Xilinx, Intel)
- Deliverable includes VHDL source code or synthesized netlist, VHDL testbench, and Matlab, C or C++ bit-accurate simulation model
- Ultra-wideband (UWB)
- Wireless USB
- Microwave Links
- Optical Links
- TeleCare / TeleHealth
- Further High-throughput Applications
- VHDL source code or synthesized netlist
- HDL simulation models e.g. for Aldec’s Riviera-PRO
- VHDL testbench
- bit-accurate Matlab, C or C++ simulation model
- comprehensive documentation
Technical Specifications