from 12 vendors
- SGC21549_IP007702_GF_22FDX is a digitally controlled RC based oscillator with embedded Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) implementation
- Optimized for systems with security features, it offers high temperature stability and ultra-low power consumption, making use of a RC dependent oscillator topology
- Designed for 100kHz, it is the best solution for low-cost identification and secure authentication applications due to its 64-bit input PUF with 128-bit raw output
- It is specified from Tj = -40°C to +125 °C.
PUF Base/Premium
- Proven and mature PUF solution and world’s first IP to be awarded “PSA Certified Level 3 RoT Component and SESIP Level 3”
- Uses standard SRAM power-up values as a PUF and is quantum safe
- Offers key provisioning, wrapping, and unwrapping to enable secure key storage across the supply chain and for the entire lifetime of the device
- Keys are never stored, but re-created from the PUF each time they are needed, offering a higher level of security than traditional key storage in NVM
PUF FPGA-X Base/Premium
- Proven “Soft” PUF implementation for AMD/Xilinx FPGAs, part of the FPGA configuration file
- Offers FPGA users a cryptographic technology to secure their own keys and to authenticate devices and communications between them on networks.
- Enables remote “brownfield” installation of hardware-based security
- Offers key provisioning, wrapping, and unwrapping to enable secure key storage across the supply chain and for the lifetime of the device
PUF Base/Premium - Software
- Most flexible and scalable PUF-based security solution for new and existing designs
- Uses standard SRAM as a physical unclonable function (PUF) to create a hardware-based trust anchor which can be installed later in the supply chain, or even retrofitted on deployed devices
- Offers key provisioning, secure key storage, symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography, and data encryption on the fly
- Easy and collision-free identification of billions of devices (from various vendors)
- Root of trust, unclonable, chip dependent ID with unique static and dynamic signature behavior in each chip
- Process dependent, fully invisible, root of trust
- Support 0.18um, 0.13um, 55nm, 40nm, 28nm, 14nm
- Small Area: 0.02mm2 (140um x 140um) @SMIC 55nm
- Secure provisioning
- Secured identities
- High entropy seeds
- Built-in resistance to side channel attacks
External NAND flash protection, designed to secure stored assets with a local key from PUF
- PUFenc is designed to protect external flash memory and its stored assets.
- The IP provides asset encryption, such as a learning model for AI or firmware for the chip with a local key from the PUF.
- It adds an additional layer of security by avoiding using the global key, which is a shared key among ICs after the chip leaves the manufacturing floor.
Fully Digital Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) - PQC Ready
- Secure storage without the use of any non volatile memory
- No external key provisioning required
- Does not require costly SRAM blocks
- Proven reliability regarding voltage, temperature and aging with error probability much lower than 10-9
- SGC21549_IP007702_GF_22FDX is a digitally controlled RC based oscillator with embedded Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) implementation
- Optimized for systems with security features, it offers high temperature stability and ultra-low power consumption, making use of a RC dependent oscillator topology
- Designed for 100kHz, it is the best solution for low-cost identification and secure authentication applications due to its 64-bit input PUF with 128-bit raw output
- It is specified from Tj = -40°C to +125 °C.
Fully-integrated 256-bit Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) with embedded reliability check
- stable 256-bit key generated from random local process variations
- reliable bits selected through a margin check mechanism
- reliable bits stable over voltage, temperature and aging
- typical operating lifetime higher than 10 years