WebM VP8 Video Encoder Hardware IP


The WebM VP8 (H1) hardware encoder brings an unprecedented level of performance to enable all kinds of WebM video applications. It is the first hardware encoder in the market to encompass full WebM video support, significantly extending the real-time video conferencing/screen sharing of Internet-connected and HTML5-enabled battery operated devices.

Intended for chipsets targeting multimedia devices (Smart DTVs, HD set-top boxes, smart phones, tablets, Chromebooks, etc.), the WebM VP8 H1 Encoder is built on silicon-proven designs deployed in millions of chips worldwide, and provides semiconductor manufacturers with a minimal risk solution for integrating high performance video capability to their chipsets.

The video encoder design is exceptionally fast, requiring less than 220MHz clock frequency to encode VP8 video 1080p@30fps. The core supports unlimited VP8 multi-channel encoding, enabling simulcast for multiparty video chat applications. It uses unique pre-fetching and buffering mechanisms to enable smooth operation with low-end SDRAMs, realizing significant savings in power and overall chip design and manufacturing costs.

the H-Series 1 is highly power efficient, consuming less than 80 milliwatts for full HD video encoding, and less than 20 milliwatts for SD video.

Key Features

  • Silicon area: 1073kGates, 174/113 kBytes single-port SRAM (max/min search area configuration)
  • Synthesizable clock frequency: up to 420 MHz (TSMC65nm LP, topographical synthesis)
  • Easy back-end: Single clock domain;low number of isolated single port SRAM and clock gating elements; no dual port memories.
  • Performance configuration: choose internal memory size according to your resolution requirement - up to 1080p.
  • Target SoC configuration: choose the bus protocol interface from AHB, AXI, OCP and APB.
  • Easy application development: simple application programming interface (API)

Block Diagram

WebM VP8 Video Encoder Hardware IP Block Diagram


  • Smart phones, tablets, smart DTVs, set-top boxes, Chromebooks, etc.


  • RTL source code (VHDL or Verilog) with RTL test bench and test data.
  • ANSI C source code for hardware drivers, with software test bench and test data.
  • Technical documentation: hardware and software integration guides and application programming interface (API) manuals.
  • Reference C-model (bit-accurate with RTL)

Technical Specifications

Foundry, Node
TSMC/SMIC/GF, 28nm, 40nm, 65nm, 90nm
Silicon proven
Semiconductor IP