The VSC-1 is a high quality polyphase scaler which has been optimized for video and graphics applications. The scaler may be used in conjunction with the VPC-1 Video Processor and Deinterlacer IP core or with any other customer or third party IP. Support for both shrink and zoom modes allows full screen display of any video or graphics source as well as arbitrary resizing for PIP applications. Dynamically loadable coefficients provide maximum flexibility to further optimize for different sources types and to enable effects such as image sharpening. In addition, the core includes a number of Verilog parameters that allow it to be tailored at build time to satisfy specific requirements. Flexibility, robust design and rigorous testing combine to make the VSC-1 ideal for both consumer electronic and broadcast applications.
The VSC-1 is available with complete Verilog source code, Verilog test bench and bit-accurate C models as part of the license. Integration and programming guidelines are also included backed up by expert technical support.
A VSC-1 reference design is available for standard development kits from Xilinx and Altera for demonstration and evaluation purposes. The design includes a built-in user interface with embedded OSD to simplify access to key features of the IP. In addition to simplifying the evaluation of the VSC-1 IP core, the design also serves as a template for customer application development.