The BitCsi2Rx IP is a receiver for camera sensor signals, to be used in an FPGA or ASIC.
It receives camera signals in accordance with the MIPI CSI-2 and D-PHY specifications. BitCsi2Rx converts these signals to parallel video signals for AXI4- Stream Video standard. To make it easier to interface BitCsi2Rx with various other design blocks, it also outputs fval (frame valid) and lval (line valid) signals for synchronization.
Third generation of the IP, so it very compact, from only 500 LUTs/FFs, including the D-PHY.
A MIPI CSI-2 transmitter IP is also available from BitSim, BitCsi2Tx.
It has been used with SoCs like: i.MX8-series (NXP), OMAP (TI), MPSoC (Xilinx), Snapdragon (Qualcomm) and Xavier (Nvidia).
Very compact (500 LUTs) Camera Sensor Receiver Interface Converting from MIPI CSI-2 to AXI4-Stream Video Standard
Key Features
- 1 to 4 data lanes
- Number of data lanes can be configured statically at synthesis time and dynamically during run-time
- Supported CSI-2 Primary Data Types: like RAW8/10/12/14/16, YUV422_8/10, RGB888, Generic, User Defined
- Up to 2.5 Gb/lane
- Also supports Xilinx UltraScale+ with embedded D-PHY IOs
- AXI4-Stream Video output with additional synchronization signals
- Virtual Channel Support
- ECC checking and correction for packet headers and short packets
- Checksum checking for packet payload data
- D-PHY protocol decoding included
- Clock-lane/data-lanes deskew
- Full High Speed/Low Power mode support ? Test/debug features
- Written in VHDL, prepared for instantiation in Verilog or SystemVerilog design
Block Diagram

- Automotive
- Industrial
- Medtech
- Consumer
- Vision
- Radar etc
- Encrypted or readable source code
- VHDL test benches and scripts
- HW-platform/reference kit available
Technical Specifications
FPGA proven, in customer products on the market
Related IPs
- MIPI CSI-2 host/device controllers for high-speed serial interface between image processor and camera sensors
- Automotive-grade MIPI CSI-2 host/device controllers for high-speed serial interface between image processor and camera sensors
- MIPI CSI2 Receiver Interface
- MIPI CSI-2 Receiver IIP
- Compact Flash host interface controller with APB interface.
- MIPI CSI-2 Receiver