Siliconch SCAE10IP is a USB Type-C Power Delivery 3.0 compliant Authentication IP which is based on the latest USB Type-C Authentication specification revision 1.0. The SCAE10IP features hardware accelerated NIST compliant crypto blocks and is a fully functional standalone Authentication engine, and features a complete asymmetric (public/private) key based Elliptical Cryptographic Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) solution. Typical applications include USB-C cables, power adapters, hubs, smartphones, power banks and flash drives. This IP enables restriction on the usage of uncertified USB-C devices, accessories and cables protecting the host system. The SCAE10IP includes various defensive mechanisms to void any logical attacks such as power, timing and side-channel.
USB Type-C Authentication IP
Key Features
- Complete stand-alone hardware Authentication engine
- ASN X.509 v3 certificate based client Authentication
- Strong protection using asymmetric Authentication protocol compliant to NIST- FIPS-184-4 with P256 secp256r1 elliptic curve
- Configurable as Authentication Initiator or Responder depending on the use case being a host or device respectively
- Support of defensive mechanisms to avoid attacks against power (Simple Power Attack (SPA) / Differential Power Attack (DPA)), timing and side-channel attacks
- True-Random Number Generator (TRNG) 256-bit full seed generator with an entropy value compliant to NIST SP800-90B
- Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) compliant to NIST SP800-90A
- Interface support for DMA access to accelerate block data transfer
- Re-authentication supported
- Built-in SHA-256 hardware block
- ECC over GF(p) signature generation and verification (ECDSA)
- Centralized Crypto controller
- Modulo arithmetic accelerator block for performing scalar prime field operations
- Highly optimized logic with low gate count and supports frequencies up to 50 MHz
- Easy integration support of Authentication IP into end solutions
- Lowest Gate count
- Highest Performance
- Low Power
Block Diagram
SiliConch USB Type-C Authentication IP
- USB Type-C Power Delivery
- USB Type-C Datapath
- Fully Synthesizable Verilog RTL source code
- Firmware source code
- ASIC Synthesis constraints and scripts files
- FPGA Synthesis constraints and scripts files
- FPGA Development platform kit
- Complete USB Type-C Authentication IP in GDSII including Analog TRNG
- UVM based Verification Environment and test sequences
- User Manual, Programming guide and Verification documents
Technical Specifications
Foundry, Node
130nm BCD, 150nm BCD and 180nm BCD
Silicon proven IP