
Proven PHY IP for USB Device, Host, and OTG with small footprint and low active power

Architected to quickly and easily integrate into any SoC, the Cadence® USB 2.0 On-The-Go (OTG) PHY IP connects seamlessly to a Cadence or third-party UTMI-compliant controller. The IP provides you with a cost-effective, low-power solution for demanding applications. It offers SoC integrators the advanced capabilities and support that exceed the requirements of high-performance designs and implementations. The Cadence USB 2.0 OTG IP is silicon-proven and has been extensively validated with multiple hardware platforms.

Key Features

  • Designed to the USB 2.0 specification, and operates at High Speed (480Mbps), Full Speed (12Mbps), and Low Speed (1.5Mbps)
  • Complies with the UTMI v1.05 specification
  • Multiple reference clock supported from 9.6MHz up to 52MHz
  • 8-bit 60MHz and 16-bit 30MHz parallel interfaces
  • Battery Charging Specification v1.2
  • Supports link power management (LPM)
  • APB and JTAG interface


  • Silicon-Proven Solution with USB IF Certification: Mature IP with proven mass production history
  • Low-Power Design Enables Power-Saving Applications: Low active power consumption with small footprint
  • Extensive Test Features Provide Improved Production Testing Experience: Comprehensive test features include datapath loopback, scan, BIST, bypass

Block Diagram

USB 2.0 PHY Block Diagram


  • Verilog behavioral modules for PHY module
  • Verilog testbench with configuration files and sample tests
  • Liberty timing model
  • Layout abstract in LEF format
  • GDSII with flat netlist for LVS

Technical Specifications

Silicon Proven: 7nm , 12nm , 16nm
Semiconductor IP