This is fully configurable FIFO with configurable Depth, Configurable width. Fifo Memory is implemented by Registers.
It has option to select CDC mythology and CDC Clock ratio to make it more stable operating at different set of freq.
This is a Generic fifo with configurable Depth, Configurable Width and Different Clock Domain Crossing options.
Key Features
- 1. Configurable Depth.
- 2. Configurable Width.
- 3. Configurable Clock freq.
- 1. Fully stable operation.
- 2. Non-2**n depth supported.
- 3. Dip-In and Data Available support.
- 4. CDC method and CDC clock ratio selectable
- Internal IP Component Block
- can be used inside any IP/SOC.
- Standard Deliverables list -
- 1. Source Code in verilog.
- 2. Test Bench.
- 3. Simulation Scripts.
- 4. Synthesys scripts.
- 5. Documentation
- 6. User Guide.
Technical Specifications
Final, Stable, Tested
Related IPs
- This is collection of Synchronization Components can be used to synchronize across different clock domains for control and Data Transfer
- This is a Collection of different kind of FIFOs and Elastic buffers.
- This is GPIO Block Configurable on AMBA APB/ AHB Interface with wide configuration option
- PCIe 1.1 Controller supporting Root Port, Endpoint, Dual-mode Configurations, with Built-in DMA and Configurable AMBA AXI Interconnect
- Configurable UART with FIFO
- Configurable UART with FIFO and hardware flow control