Serial Communication Controller

Key Features

  • Product Features
    • Designed for use with 8 and 16-bit microprocessors.
    • Reliable operation with 25Mhz clock.
    • On-chip crystal clock oscillator, DPLL and Baud Rate Generator.
    • Two Independent full-duplex channels.
    • Receiver data registers quadruply buffered.
    • NRZ, NRZI, FM encoding/decoding.
    • Fully synthesizable Register Transfer Level (RTL) VHDL
  • Synchronous / Isosynchronous data rates
    • Upto ¼ of the PCLK (2.5 Mbits/sec) maximum data rate with 10 MHz PCLK using external phase locked loop.
    • Upto 625 Kbit/sec with a 10 MHz clock rate. Upto 500Kbit/sec with a 8MHz clock rate (FM encoding using DPLL).
    • Upto 372.5 Kbit/sec with a 10 MHz clock rate. Upto 250 Kbit/sec with a 8 MHz clock rate (NRZI encoding using DPLL).
  • Asynchronous capabilities
    • 5,6,7 or 8 bits per character.
    • 1,1-½ or 2 stop bits.
    • Odd or Even parity.
    • Times 1,16,32 or 64 clock modes.
    • Spike rejection mechanism, break generation and detection and also parity overrun and framing error detection.
  • Synchronous capabilities
    • Internal or external synchronization.
    • 5,6,7 or 8 bits per character with 1 or 2 sync characters in separate registers.
    • Automatic CRC generation (CRC-16/SDLC- CRC) generation/detection
  • SDLC / HDLC Capabilities
    • 5,6,7 or 8 bits per character.
    • Abort sequence generation and checking.
    • Automatic zero insertion/deletion and detection.
    • Automatic flag insertion between messages.
    • Address field recognition.
    • SDLC Loop-mode with EOP recognition/loop entry and exit.
    • CRC-16/SDLC-CRC generation/detection.

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP