High-accuracy Sensor Fusion


Ceva-MotionEngine is Ceva’s core sensor processing software system and is the product of over 20 years of experience developing sensor-based technology and products. The software combines high-accuracy 6 and 9 axis IMU sensor fusion algorithms, dynamic sensor calibration and many applications specific features such as cursor control, gesture recognition, activity tracking, context awareness, and AR/VR stabilization.

The Solution

MotionEngine is a powerful, flexible software package that combines inputs from multiple sensors, from IMUs and environmental sensors to wheel encoders and optical flow sensors, to provide calibrated sensor output, a range of rotation vectors, and application-specific classifiers, detectors, and other algorithms.

MotionEngine’s various dynamic calibration algorithms ensure continuously excellent in-field performance and consistency across products with less drift an often without the need for factory calibration. The software is sensor agnostic, freeing OEMs to make the most beneficial cost/performance tradeoffs without sacrificing a great experience. MotionEngine is available as an embedded library for Ceva DSPs, ARM and RISC-V MCUs, and for Android, Linux, Windows, macOS, and WebOS platforms. To accelerate your time to market, MotionEngine is available with sensor drivers and sensor communication packages, or even as a full chip executable.

Key Features

  • Deployed in over 300 million devices
  • Sensor, processor, and OS independence
  • Dynamic calibration to eliminate accelerometer and gyroscope drift
  • Drivers and management code for a wide range of sensors
  • Industry-proven sensor fusion algorithms give accurate, smooth orientation , heading, and tilt
  • Compact code and memory size and availability for ARM and RISC-V MCUs and Ceva DSPs
  • Algorithms to reject magnetic interference
  • Application-directed algorithms for a wide variety of use cases including AR/VR headsets, pointing devices with sophisticated gesture recognition, medical devices, services on mobile devices such as mode detection and user activity detection, and navigation for robotics


  • Built over 20 years, Ceva-MotionEngine software is a robust and highly-customizable sensor fusion solution for a broad range of motion applications. MotionEngine provides world-class precision and accuracy, enabling higher-level algorithms that bring intelligence to products and simplicity to users.
  • Specialized application algorithms include drift-free orientation detection for pixel-accurate in-air pointing; gesture recognition like  twists, flicks, circles, and shakes; stabilization, head tracking, and autocentering for AR/VR devices and hearables; and dead-reconning navigation for robotics applications. Algorithms are customizable to specific customer requirements, and code size is compact, allowing use in even the smallest hardware configurations.


  • Consumer IoT
  • Industrial 
  • Mobile
  • PC 

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP