The Dynamic Neural Accelerator II (DNA-II) is a highly-efficient and powerful neural network IP core that can be paired with any host processor. Achieving exceptional parallelism and efficiency through run-time reconfigurable interconnects between compute elements, DNA-II has support for both convolutional and transformer networks, and is ideal for a wide variety of edge AI applications. DNA-II provides scalable performance starting with 1K MACs supporting a wide range of target applications and SoC implementations.
The MERA software stack works in conjunction with DNA to optimize computation order and resource allocation in scheduling tasks for neural networks.
DNA is the driving force behind the SAKURA-II AI Accelerator, providing best-in-class processing at the edge in a small form factor package, and supporting the latest models for Generative AI applications.
DNA-II Efficiency
Tera Operations Per Second (TOPS) ratings are typically quoted using optimal conditions, with compute units fully parallelized. When AI models are mapped to other vendors hardware, the parallelism drops - and achievable TOPS falls to a fraction of their claimed peak capability.
EdgeCortix reconfigures data paths between DNA engines to achieve better parallelism and reduce on-chip memory bandwidth, using a patented runtime reconfigurable datapath architecture.