Reed Solomon Erasure Code


Zero latency, low gate count, low power, asynchronous Reed Solomon Code based Erasure code for RAID FEC:

The whole operation of encoding and decoding is asynchronous and is pure combinatorial gates without use of any synchronous logic, making it zero latency RTL.

Symbol size is ‘m’ bits for all Galois Field operations.

Key Features

  • Asynchronous operation
  • No clocks required.
  • No storage like memories SRAMS/ROMS/FilipFlops used
  • No iterative Feedback in the pipeline
  • All operation is performed in 0 clock cycles.
  • RTL code is generated with parameters of
    • “m” the degree of primitive polynomial
    • “t_max” maximum value of error symbols that can be corrected.
    • corrects up to maximum number of erasure positions
    • number of symbols by which the code is shortened.
  • The number of error symbols (“t”) is programmable upto “t_max” .
  • Separate encoders are for every “t” .
  • Decoder shared for various values of “t” upto “t_max”
  • Lint clean code, verified for various values of “m”, “t_max”, “t” and shortened code.
  • Size of code differs for various values of “m”, “t_max” and number of symbols by which the code is shortened.

Block Diagram

Reed Solomon Erasure Code Block Diagram


  • RAID
  • Error Correction
  • DPU for DataCenters

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP