Reed Solomon Decoder


CYB-RS-de core implements the Reed Solomon decoding algorithm and is parameterized in terms of bits per symbol, maximum codeword length and maximum number of parity symbols. Reed-Solomon codes are well suited for burst error correction and are frequently used as outer codes in communication systems.

Redundancy code is inserted in the transmitted information bitstream. This redundant information is used in the decoder to eliminate the channel noise. The error correction capability of a FEC system is strongly depended on the amount of redundancy as well as on the coding algorithm itself. The Reed-Solomon decoder receives an N symbol codeword consisting of a K symbol information block appended with 2T parity symbols, locates and corrects up to T possible symbol errors (generally called as RS(N,K) code).

Key Features

  • Parameterizable bits per symbol
  • Programmable codeword length
  • Programmable number of errors
  • User configured primitive field polynomial
  • User configured generator polynomial

Block Diagram

Reed Solomon Decoder Block Diagram


  • Digital Video Broadcast (DVB)
  • Digital Satellite Broadcast
  • ADSL Transceivers
  • Wireless Broadband Systems
  • Data Storage and Retrieval Systems (e.g. CD-ROM, DVD, Compact Flash)


  • Flexible licensing
  • Documentation
  • Netlist
  • Verilog or VHDL
  • Technical support

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP