The ONFI 3.0 compatible I/O buffer provides a high-speed physical interface solution to support the increasing bandwidths demanded by today’s high-performance NAND Flash interface applications. The I/O buffer delivers performance up to 200MHz (400Mbps data rate), and serves as the integral physical link between the NAND Flash controller / PHY interface and the latest NAND Flash devices.
Specifications Parameter Min Typ Max Units IO Supply Voltage 1.7 1.8 1.95 V Core Supply Voltage 0.99 1.1 1.21 V Operating Temperature 0 25 125 °C AC Performance 200 MHz Data Rate 400 Mbps Note: All performance specifications are subject to package and topology Deliverables and EDA Design Views Front-end Design Views (with NDA) Back-end Design Views (with License Agreement) Verilog Model GDSII stream file Synopsys (LIB) CDL/Spice netlist Footprint (LEF) Application Notes inclusive of design integration Datasheet (PDF) guidelines (PDF)