LIN Bus Controller – Basic and Safety-Enhanced


DCD-SEMI believes that even though something may be small or slow, it can still offer maximal efficiency and ultimate reliability. That’s why our DLIN controller with UART half-duplex enhanced functionality supports transmission speed between 1kb/s and 20kb/s, which allows to transmit and receive LIN messages compatible to LIN 1.3, LIN 2.1 and the newest LIN 2.2A.

DLIN bridge to APB, AHB, AXI bus, it is a softcore of the Local Interconnect Network (LIN). This interface is a serial communication protocol, primarily designed to be used in automotive applications. Compared to the CAN, The LIN is slower, but thanks to its simplicity, it is much more cost-effective. Our Core is ideal for communication in intelligent sensors and actuators, where the bandwidth and versatility of the CAN is not required. The DLIN core provides an interface between a microprocessor/microcontroller and LIN bus. It can work as a master or slave LIN node, depending on a work mode determined by the microprocessor/microcontroller. DCD’s controller supports transmission speed between 1 and 20kb/s, which allows it to transmit and receive LIN messages compatible with LIN 1.3., LIN 2.1, and the newest 2.2A specification. The reported information status includes the type and condition of transfer operations performed by the DLIN, as well as a wide range of LIN error conditions (overrun, framing, parity, timeout). Our Core includes a programmable timer that allows detecting timeout and synchronization error. The DLIN is described at the RTL level, empowering the target use in FPGA and ASIC technologies.

The IP core is available in two versions – Basic and Safety-Enhanced.

This sophisticated solution’s been developed as ISO26262-10 Safety Element out of Context. It can optionally be improved by necessary safety mechanisms and provide detailed safety documentation: all ISO26262 soft IP SEooC required work products, which include complete Failure Modes Effects and Detection Analysis FMEDA analysis with step by step instruction to help to integrate the IP into the customer’s system and to conduct the system-level safety analysis. All the safety-related work products were checked by a third-party, independent audit.

The conducted safety analysis depicts, that the safety metrics are fulfilled and both IPs reach the Automotive Safety Integrity Level ASIL-B (Single Point Fault Metric SPFM > 90%, Latent Fault Metric LFM > 60%). DCD-SEMI delivers a complete FMEDA analysis with step-by-step instruction to help to integrate the IP into the customer’s system and to conduct the system-level safety analysis.

This ASIL-B ready design may easily be used in Automotive Safety Systems at the ASIL-B level, but DCD-SEMI may optionally deliver higher ASIL level ready IP. For further information and the optional features please contact our support.

Key Features

  • Conforms with LIN 1.2, LIN 2.1 and LIN 2.2 specification.
  • Automatic LIN Header handling
  • Automatic Re-synchronization
  • Data rate between 1Kbit/s and 20 Kbit/s
  • Master and Slave work mode
  • Time-out detection
  • Extended error detection
  • “Break-in-dataâ€? support
  • Available system interface wrappers:
    • AMBA - APB Bus
    • Altera Avalon Bus
    • Xilinx OPB Bus


  • Automotive, industrial
  • Embedded communication systems


  • HDL Source Code
  • Testbench environment
    • Automatic Simulation macros
    • Tests with reference responses
  • Synthesis scripts
  • Technical documentation
  • 12 months of technical support

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP