The DB-I2C-SMBus-MS-AMBA Controller IP Core is an I2C/SMBus Master/Slave Controller, interfacing a microprocessor via the AMBA AXI, AHB, or APB Bus to an I2C/SMBus Interconnect. Both I2C and SMBus protocols are supported.
The System Management Bus (SMBus) is a two-wire bidirectional interface standard (SCL is Clock, SDA is Data) for transfer of bytes of information between two or more compliant SMBus devices, typically with a microprocessor behind the master controller and one or more slave devices.
The DB-I2C-SMBus-MS-AMBA is a Master/Slave SMBus Controller that in Master Mode controls the Transmit or Receive of data to or from slave SMBus devices while in Slave Mode allows an external SMBus Master device to control the Transmit or Receive of data.
In an ASIC / ASSP / FPGA integrated circuit, typically, the microprocessor is an ARM or RISC-V processor, but can be any embedded processor. Figure 1 depicts the system view of the DB-I2C-SMBus-MS-AMBA Controller IP Core embedded within an integrated circuit device with its Microprocessor Configuration.