The DB-I2C-M-AVLN Controller IP Core interfaces a microprocessor via the Avalon Bus to an I2C Bus. The I2C is a two-wire bidirectional interface standard (SCL is Clock, SDA is Data) for transfer of bytes of information between two or more compliant I2C devices, typically with a microprocessor behind the master controller and one or more slave devices.
The DB-I2C-M-AVLN is a Master I2C Controller that controls the Transmit or Receive of data to or from slave I2C devices. In an Altera FPGA, typically, the microprocessor is a NIOS II processor, but can be any FPGA embedded processor. Figure 1 depicts the system view of the DB-I2C-M-AVLN Controller IP Core embedded within an FPGA integrated circuit device.
The DB-I2C-M-AVLN Controller IP Core targets embedded processor applications with higher performance algorithm requirements. While most I2C controllers require high processor interaction involvement, the DB-I2C-M-AVLN contains a parameterized FIFO and Smart Control for the processor to off-load the I2C transfer to the DB-I2C-M-AVLN Controller. Thus, while the DB-I2C-M-AVLN is busy, independently controlling the I2C Transmit or Receive transaction of data, the processor can go off and complete other tasks. Note that the Master only capability of the DB-I2C-M-AVLN adds to its small VLSI footprint requirements.