High Speed Inmarsat Compatible Turbo Decoder


This is an Inmarsat compatible 16 state error control turbo decoder. The PCD04I offers unparalleled speed, performance, low complexity and features compared to other available decoder cores.

Key Features

  • Turbo Decoder:
    • 16 state Inmarsat compatible
    • Rate 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 or 1/5
    • Data lengths from 1 to 4092, 6140, 12284 or 22524 bits
    • External interleaver address table
    • Up to 342 MHz internal clock
    • Up to 32.4 Mbit/s with 5 decoder iterations (log-MAP)
    • 6-bit signed magnitude input data
    • Log-MAP or max-log-MAP constituent decoder algorithms
    • Up to 128 iterations in 1/2 iteration steps
    • Power efficient early stopping
    • Extrinsic information output with optional scaling and limiting
    • Estimated channel error output
    • Free simulation software
  • Viterbi Decoder (Optional):
    • 64 or 256 state (constraint length 7 or 9)
    • Rate 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4
    • Block length from 1 to 32760 (256 state) or 32762 (64 state) bits
    • Up to 7.9 Mbit/s (256 state) or 27.0 Mbit/s (64 state)
    • 6-bit signed magnitude input data
    • Estimated channel error output
  • Available as VHDL core for AMD-Xilinx FPGAs under SignOnce IP License. ASIC, Intel/Altera, Lattice and Microsemi cores available on request.

Block Diagram

High Speed Inmarsat Compatible Turbo Decoder Block Diagram


  • VHDL Core
  • Test vector generation software

Technical Specifications

Semiconductor IP