General Purpose Input/Output Controller
The CC-GPIO-APB is a synthesisable Verilog model of a General Purpose Input/Output Controller. The GPIO core can be efficiently implemented on FPGA and ASIC technologies.
Key Features
- AMBA APB3 bus
- Individual configuration of each GPIO pin
- Dynamic programming of each GPIO pin as input or output
- Configurable level or edge triggered interrupts
- Alternative functions support
- Fully synthesizable synchronous design with positive edge clocking
- DFT ready
- Synthesizable RTL Verilog source code
- Technology independent IP Core
- Suitable for FPGA and ASIC
- Silicon and FPGA proven
- Easy SoC integration
- Full implementation and maintenance support with individual approach
- Flexible licensing scheme
Block Diagram

- Verilog RTL source code
- Verification suite
- Datasheet and integration guide
- C-header file
- Constraints
- Technical support
Technical Specifications
Silicon Proven:
Related IPs
- APB4 General Purpose Input/Output Module
- General Purpose Input / Output Controller (GPIO)
- PLL general purpose / DDR memory, 50-500Mhz, 4 phases (0/90/180/270)
- APB General Purpose IO
- General Purpose 10-bit DAC - 10 bits, 2MSPS, buffered output option - LFoundry 0.15µm LF150 CMOS
- General Purpose PMU - Thermal shutdown and overvoltage protected - SilTerra 0.18 um